Janice Marie Singleton

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If I am ever asked: "WHAT'S YOUR VIEW of life." I will emphatically answer to "THINK WISE" and optimistically "VISUALIZE" the kind of results that will "MATERIALIZE" constructive solutions every single day for a much more favourable way of life.
I suggest we all practice and allow this type of focus to grow on the inside of self.
Doing so can create an overflow of positive energy and become an example to share with others.
A human is a 1) Spirit, 2) Mind, 3) Body Being capable of achieving a state of inner oneness and well-being when our 3-parts function together as one mechanism.
When a TIME OF ONENESS is achieved within YOU, me, and others, the ability to advance spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally makes it possible to establish an ONENESS WORLD.
The beauty of attaining oneness within self is that we can maintain it everywhere on the planet and make practicing unconditionally loving thoughts, words, and deeds a lifestyle.
Each new day we wake up gives us another opportunity to practice a LIFE DIVINE by being humble and pleasant. I consider it an honour that you are willing to SHINE ON ME with your positive energy. I love having the opportunity to reciprocate.
If you and I keep our hearts and minds OPEN and focused on being living examples of positive purposes, the LIGHT inside with which we are born will come forth permanently.
Unlike past generations, we can practice these positive ideas and finally experience a state of divine order, which was the original plan in the first place.
Love, Joy, Peace, and Prosperity,
Janice Marie Singleton,